Black and white image of Jake Farrugia
Jake Farrugia
ux & Graphic Design
Experienced Graphic Designer with an interest in various disciplines of design. One of my most recent achievements is Google’s UX Design Certificate.
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Companies Worked For
Travelex company logoCancer Research UK company logoTempus media company logoPortamix company logoArgon company logoBoutique AV company logo
My Services
Branding icon of badge for branding services
Meticulous attention taken with every step of the branding process to ensure consistency across print and digital media. Knowledge of designing brand and identity to be applied on different materials.
Pen icon for graphic designer services
graphic design
More than a decade of experience designing in a broad range of formats for different applications from tradeshows, airports, product packaging and publication design.
Icon of computer screen for digital design services
digital design
Services include website design, social media design, web banners and 3D design.
Site map icon for UX Design services
ux/ui design
UX/UI design services encompass user research, UI design, wireframing, and prototyping, with ongoing client consultation throughout the entire process.
UX/Ui design
Nomad Camp App
case study
UX/Ui design
Finance Pal
case study
print design
Travelex Design
UX/Ui design
Nomad Camp Website
case study
print design
Tempus Magazine


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